Distributed Brands

Distributed Brands


Murat Diril was born in 1974 in a small town on the Black Sea coast near Trabizone where the very first handmade Turkish cymbal was ever made. He moved to Istanbul in 1987 where he first witnessed the creation of a cymbal at Istanbul Cymbals. He started working and learning from Mehmet Tamdeger and Agop Tomurcuk the owners of Istanbul Cymbals. These two craftsmen taught him the secrets of making good quality cymbals which later became very much in demand around the world.

Murat Diril | The Father of Cymbals

In 2000 he met the people from Meinl, one of the leading cymbal manufacturers in the world. Working together they started to explore the possibilities of creating new cymbals from B20 material. At the end of these mutual efforts, Meinl’s Byzance and MB20 cymbals were born. They worked together for 6 years and Murat made more than 100,000 Byzance and MB20 cymbals for hundreds of musicians, drummers and bands around the world, who played them with great pleasure.

The Paiste company and Murat Muzik joined forces in the second quarter of 2006 to introduce a series of new cymbals to the world and quickly became a craftsman generating Paiste’s new creations. The new series designed by the Paiste company was called “Twenty Series” and Murat has manufactured them in Samsun/Turkey for almost two years. The new cymbals were forcing the limits of human imagination. Reactions from every corner of the music world came quickly as drummers found everything they wanted in these cymbals. The compliments were pouring in.

Murat has decided to come to the market with his own cymbal with his own trade mark. These cymbals are the results of 22 years of professional hard work and sweat and will be called “Murat Diril Cymbals The Renaissance Series”. These hand made cymbals are the most developed form of B27 metal.

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Since the establishing of company BALBEX in year 1997 we are concerned mainly in quality. Quality and that in all modes of production from choice of wood, elaboration, drying, turning of drumsticks, wide portfolio and last but not least respectable dealing with customers.

Balbex drumsticks are more and more fancied by drummers in Europe mainly and we distribute them to more than 500 selling places. Thanks to intensive development, innovations and special production process on CNC production line mainly the company joined the world most progressive drumsticks producers.

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Perfect sound is more than just noise. Perfect sound means perfect balance: when a Schlagwerk instrument is played, each element performs precisely in its intended characteristics and in harmony with the other components. Sonic waves travel through the air, through the body, are reflected by the surrounding environment and meet the processing neural receptors.

If the sound is perfect, the brain rewards with an extra portion of dopamine and endorphin, in short: with happiness hormones that trigger a feeling of joy. And to feel this emotion is to enjoy the Schlagwerk Sound Experience.

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WAMBOOKA Corporation was founded with a single purpose: to create No-Compromise musical instruments and accessories that enhance the playing experience. Since its inception, WAMBOOKA has challenged every conventional concept and technology in an effort to bring a new level of enjoyment to practicing your instrument.

We like making things that did not exist before we did them. Our goal is to lead the way in developing new products and technology that allow drummers and guitar players to practice without compromise.

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Agner Drumsticks was founded in 1985 by Paul J. AGNER in Switzerland. The headquarters of the traditional company are Sempach in Switzerland. In June 1987, the next major milestone was set in the Hotel Postillon in Buochs (Switzerland) with the first product presentation and thus the step to the public. With Walter Kaiser, Salvatore Celi, Rene Gubelmann, and Prof. S. Schmid (Professor at the Basel University of Music), top-class and professional musicians were enthusiastic about Paul J. Agner’s new drumsticks right from the beginning.

Today several hundred professional musicians belong to the Agner family, and everyone is proud to be a part of this creative international network. Paul J. Agner still monitors the production process today to guarantee the well-known high-quality standard of Agner Drumsticks. By creating and striving for perfect products.

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Vater Percussion is a US manufacturing company based in Holbrook, Massachusetts. The company has always focused on percussion instruments, producing drum sticks, brushes and mallets. It was founded by Jack Adams, and is now run by his two grandsons Ron and Alan Vater.

The first sticks made by “Vater” were made by Jack Adams and Ron and Alan’s godfather Fred Michaeli in Jacks Drum Shop in Boston, Massachusetts. Jacks was one of the first shops to offer custom models, and began producing custom models for Buddy Rich, Philly Joe Jones and Elvin Jones. In the early to mid- 1980s what would become Vater began manufacturing drumsticks for Vic Firth and Zildjian Cymbals. On 22 October 1988, Vater moved their factory to Holbrook, Massachusetts. Three years later the first Vater drumsticks were introduced at the Percussive Arts Society ( PASIC ) show.

Vater guarantees their sticks to be “straighter, more consistent and of higher quality than all other leading drumstick manufacturers”. Vater sticks typically have a higher moisture content than other drumsticks, which is intended to create more durable drumsticks, though this does result in a slightly heavier stick.

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Since 1931, UFIP produces the finest cymbals in the world! What sets UFIP apart from all the rest, is our unique casting process, called Rotocasting®. While every other cymbal available on the market is the result of  a process of rolling and subsequent force pressing, UFIP professional B20 Rotocast cymbals are created through a procedure of centrifuge-casting. This process ensure the removal of all the impurities present in the bronze alloy, granting at the same time a greater thickness of the bell compared to those cymbals obtained by simple rolling and pressing.

UFIP cymbal is a truly unique instrument: from casting to tempering, hammering to finishing every process is completed by hand, with machinery only ever being used in support of our skilled and dedicated cymbal smith. The result is an instrument that is as individual as you are as a drummer. UFIP is not a mass product, it has been created using the finest, purest and most sonorous bell bronze B20 (20% Tin, 80% Copper). No other alloy can offer such tonal character and dynamic range.

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Bosphorus Cymbals was established in 1996 by three master cymbal smiths, Hasan Seker, Ibrahim Yakici and Hasan Ozdemir. They are called Masters because they are the most experienced cymbal smiths in Turkey who are still working actively.

The founders of Bosphorus were three good friends who grew up in the same neighborhood. Their common thread was being sent to work in a neighborhood cymbal workshop. Their humble beginings included cleaning the workshop and other menial tasks, but in time they were trained in the art of making cymbals. In the early ages of their youth they became cymbal smiths. Their teachers were the masters who manufactured the legendary cymbals of 60’s and 70’s.

After 16 years at the same workshop the friends ventured off on their own and established their own company. Today they maintain good relationships with their former employers. The Masters continue to respect their teachers to this day. Bosphorus Cymbals has a strong team of cymbal smiths whom are trained at the Bosphorus Factory and most of them working for the company since day one. The Masters continue to craft in the workshop with their workers, guiding them to create the perfect cymbals with their 36 years of experience.

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